- Books in English and Spanish
- Audiobooks on CD and MP3
- Newspapers
- DVD and Blu-ray movies, documentaries, and TV series
- Video games
- Music CDs
- Reference service available in-house, over the phone at (618) 482-3966, or by email to Reference.
- Renewal of materials over the phone at (618) 482-3966, through your online catalog account, or by email to Renewal
- Free wifi throughout the building, in the library's parking lots, and in the Chano Pavillion.
- Homebound delivery service allows materials delivered to your home. Call (618) 482-3966 or email Homebound to register for this special service.
- Proctoring service: call (618) 482-3966 or email Proctoring
- Free computer and technical instruction. Call for details or send an email to Computer Instruction for basic lessons on our databases, card catalog, email or internet basics.
- Programs: Calendar of Events
- Books in English and Spanish
- Audiobooks on CDs
- DVDs
- Music on CD
- Free wifi
- Programs: Calendar of Events
- Computers with internet for public use
- Copying, printing, faxing, and scanning services available
- Chromebooks available for 3-hour checkouts
- Free wifi
- MOBILE PRINTING SERVICE: Print virtually any file or webpage from your Internet-connected device. You can even send us a print job from home or when you're on the go and pick it up within 24 hours.
- Community Area to rear of the building
- Two Meeting Rooms for group study, meetings, and tutoring.
- Friends of the Mississippi Valley Library District - for more information on how to join the efforts of this important asset to the Library, call (618) 482-3966 or email Friends of the Library membership.